The show presents an enactment of defence of Zamość fortress against Cossack insurgent troops led by Hetman Bohdan Chmielnicki in 1648 and against Swedish troops during the well-known “Swedish Deluge” in 1656. It shows the baptism of fire of Zamość fortress, referred to as the Shield of the Republic of Poland, during which 5 thousand brave fortress defenders, thanks to their courage and cunning, halted the march toward the center of Poland of the apparently invincible hetman, who led over ten thousand troops (united Chmielnicki’s and Tuhaj – bej’s armies). It also presents Swedes’ failure to capture Zamość fortress.
Organised every June the event attracts to Zamość enthusiasts of Henryk Sienkiewicz’s novels, having the same impressive and spectacular nature and showing the same devotion to the motherland.
However, “The Storming of Zamość Fortress” is not only an enactment of battles which took place centuries ago; it is also a presentation of knightly brotherhoods and old manor lifestyle. It includes sable duel demonstrations, archery tournaments, displays of horse-riding, historical dance shows and historical clothing shows.
Organizers: Zamość Knightly Brotherhood, the Zamojskie Museum.
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